Guide to Using Your Brand-New Gaming Chair for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

 gaming chair singapore

PSA to all Singaporean gamers! Here’s a guide you don’t want to miss if you are a Singaporean gamer who owns a gaming chair or is keen to invest in one. After all, if you are planning to spend a couple of hundred bucks on our AUKEY gaming chair or triple the price and more for other more expensive brands, you probably want to get the most out of your chair.

Excited about taking your sitting experience to the next level? Our team of gaming fanatics at AUKEY is going to let you in on some simple tips on how you can get the most out of your gaming chair!
Step-by-Step Guide to Optimizing Your Gaming Chair Experience

To make the most of this guide, get your gaming chair ready next to you (if you already have yours) and make the adjustments as you go through each step!

For those who have not gotten your chair, make sure to bookmark this page so you can come back to it when you’ve received it.

Do note that this guide is tailored to features available on the AUKEY GC-A01 and GC-A02 Ergonomic Chairs – so not all features may apply to models from other brands.

Adjust Your Seat Height

The first step towards a healthy and comfortable sitting posture in the gaming chair is to ensure a suitable seat height.

If the seat height is too short, you will end up exerting more of your lower body while attempting to stand up. This is not ideal as it places unnecessary stress on your hips, knees, and ankles over time.

If the seat height is too tall, your feet will end up dangling and there’s nothing to help support your spine against gravity. If you find yourself on the tip of your toes, try to get a footrest for proper support.

The ideal seat height? One where both feet are comfortably rested on the ground (or footrest for more petite people), and your knees and hips are at a neutral 90° angle.

The AUKEY GC-A01 and GC-A02 both come with adjustable seat heights of 10cm so you can adjust your heart’s content.

Move Your Butt All The Way In

This next step is essential to maximizing the support features that a gaming chair comes with – so if you skip it, you might as well be using a normal chair instead.

Every time you sit in your gaming chair, make sure you consciously move in, such that your hips are in contact with the chair’s lumbar support and your upper back is supported by the backrest.

If your lower back, and hips are not in contact with the chair’s lumbar support, you can expect more stress on the lower part of your back, and the inevitable strain and pain that comes with it.

So, move your butt in!

Align Your Armrests with Your Desk

Now that you’ve got legs and back support optimized, don’t forget about your arms – they are another important aspect of support and weight distribution.

Like your legs, having your arm placement overly high or low can place unnecessary stress on your shoulder joints and upper back, which results in aches over time.

The ideal arm placement, and hence armrest configuration, involves:

  • Forearms, wrists, and hands resting comfortably on the table so there is less strain
  • Armrests adjusted to a similar height of the table to support the weight of the forearms (which should not be hovering above the armrests)

Adjust Support Pillows

Every person’s body is different – as is your spine. So, it makes sense that you will need to adjust your support lumbar pillows to ensure that it provides the appropriate support for your spine.

For them to work effectively, they need to fit perfectly to fill up the space between your lower back and the chair.

To make the adjustments, take a seat on the chair (butt all the way in) and see where the gaps between your lower back and the chair are, and adjust the position of the support lumbar pillows accordingly.

Trial and Error with Chair Recline

While we have always been taught by parents and teachers to sit upright, technically the ideal sitting position for our posture is with a slight recline.

Studies show that tilting the backrest into a reclined position helps to alleviate pressure on our back muscles and spine. Varying studies have different proposed suggestions of how much to recline – but 95 to 110 degrees seem to be the standard range proposed.

Make your adjustments until you find your ideal recline angle.

Double Up as A Comfortable Napping Spot

Need to take a power nap in between long hours of gaming but too lazy to move over to your bed? Been there done that.

That’s why our AUKEY gaming chairs are designed to be able to double up as a comfortable chair for a power nap. And no, we don’t mean just because it is comfortable to rest in.

To enjoy your power nap, recline your backrest all the way to 155° (almost like a bed), and just lie back and relax. The reinforced steel frames of the chair are designed to withstand your body’s full weight even when reclined, without toppling over, just for this purpose!

Ready To Fully Optimize Your Gaming Chair Experience?

Now that you have all the tips, make sure to fully customize your chair to ensure you get the best possible gaming chair experience.

But most importantly of all, no matter how comfortable the chair is, the best thing for your body is to make sure to move around and get in some stretches every so often!